Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Another 3 inches of snow...

Fourth World, by Kate Thompson. I checked this out the other day, because I am really feeling the lack of a good sci-fi novel in my life, plus I was feeling guilty about not reading much YA recently, so I thought this would kill two birds with one shower. I started it over lunch and I'm only about 30 pages in, but I think I'm going to have to quit. First, I started the book thinking the main character was a girl, and it wasn't until chapter six that I was informed otherwise; that, combined with all the other things that don't make sense yet, have left me unable to wrap my mind around this book. I need to understand at least some little thing in the story world, and build from there; alas, I have nothing, not even the gender of the characters. Big Beach Sports (Wii), by THQ. The kids had requested to play Wii Fit games again (what a hit that was last week!). Unfortunately, I had to be a good patron and return the board after last week's program. I immediately requested it again, but it wasn't in yet. Just as well-- since they are out of school this week, none of the kids remembered about the program. My coworker and I got to try out some of the games, though, including volleyball, bocce ball, cricket, and Frisbee (it calls it "disc") golf. Since I wasn't as familiar with how the rules of all of the games actually work, it took me longer to get the hang of these games. Also are available are soccer and football. To tell the truth, if it were me, I wouldn't buy this for home use. It's probably worth while to have in the library, but if I were a Wii owner, this wouldn't be on my must-have list. It only has a few games-- not nearly as many as the Wii Fit or Wii Game Party games -- and is listed for nearly $20 on Amazon. Some people might like this game, but now that I've played it, I'm not sure how well it would have gone over with my group; it's probably just as well they are all out of town visiting grannies. This certainly wouldn't hold my interest for much longer. I checked out a giant stack of books of all sorts the other day and, since my husband has to work alot of the holiday weekend and I have no new movies at home, I might actually get some reading done. (On the other hand, I have a new computer game, and I tend to obsessively play those until I've conquered all levels.) May your holidays be filled with pages.

1 comment:

Ms. Yingling said...

I wasn't wild about this Kate Thompson title, either. I love how honest your reviews are.