
Thursday, January 10, 2013

the tags are starting to be a bit of an issue.

every time I add a new tag, I need to go back and alter/clarify old tags.  I'm starting to include first names with all new last names to save time in the future.

Topsy-Turvy Inside-Out Toys by Susan B. Anderson.  We have one book by this author, which I've looked at before. I didn't really like the way most of the toys in that other book looked, although I can't particularly say why.  Despite my opinion of the first book, I requested this title on netgalley, and I liked most of these patterns significantly better.  Here is the one I made; the pattern is called "Egg to Alligator" and I made it in one afternoon* .  I think the pattern could use some improvement: I don't particularly like the eyes, and the body is a bit too wide for an alligator; adapting it to some kind of herbivore dinosaur would be good.  The ridge along the back was also problematic; I tried it a few times as written and it didn't seem to work. I don't know if it's written poorly or I was just doing it wrong, so I made up my own thing for the ridge.

The other truly inside-out toys listed in the book are "Egg to Penguin" and "Chrysalis to Monarch."  The other patterns all looked like items that flip or even just turn over or turn around.  I do want to try the "Snowman & Tree" flipper.

There were some serious issues with the egalley that I hope are not a representation of a final print or final e- product.  This was largely limited to page order and page completeness problems. I shared the alligator with my knitting coworkers and our library knitting program group and many people were so taken with it that I have ordered the book for work already.

*actually, I made the legs wrong and had to redo them the next day, but someone a little more experienced would have been able to do it just fine.  And to be specific, that was a didn't-leave-the-house-all-day kind of afternoon, so it really took me from 1 to 6 pm, sprinkled with other household chores.

Red Dwarf, Season 10 by Doug Naylor.   We've downloaded and watched the new season of Red Dwarf.   It's not breaking copyright because it hasn't been released in the U.S. yet.  Right?  This is the best season, I think, because the writing does the best job so far of capturing the characters.  The only better characterization is seasons 1 and 2 Cat.  Fans must watch.

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