
Saturday, February 09, 2013


Holy Sh*t: A Brief History of Swearing by Melissa Mohr.  417. I thought I reviewed this but cannot find the review. I learned so much! It was so interesting!  I immediately bought a copy for the library (read this as an ARC on netgalley).  And fyi, that's exactly how the title appears on the cover.
This is pretty much exactly how I like my nonfiction: long enough to cover the subject fully but not long-winded, informative but not dry, and pulling in relevant information from a lot of different areas or subjects. (Who would have thought the invention of the fireplace would have a direct result on the ways we have historically used cussing?)

Eureka, Season 5, with Colin Ferguson.  Having watched all the previous seasons, I thought it was right for me to watch the final one.  I'm sad, on the one hand,that the show is over, because it was pretty cool and Jack was a really great character.  On the other hand, it's time.  It was never the same after Jack and Henry were first thrown back in time and Henry flash-thing'ed him.  And it was totally never the same after they went to the1940s and came back.
I like the season 5 story line with Holly.  Although some stuff didn't get resolved, that story line was worth continuing.  The final episode was a pretty crappy wrap-up.  It's not like having the show end was a surprise for the writers, they could have had the whole season to work up to it.  Instead, season 5 as normal then boom, done.

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