Dragons at Crumbling Castle and other tales by Terry Pratchett. These were fun. I'm glad someone took the time to compile them. Some are obviously early works and didn't make a great deal of sense (the first Carpet People short story, for example, has too many characters for a short story and I wasn't always able to follow) but many have a line of dialogue or bit of description that has the same flavor as later works.
The Chemistry of Alchemy: From Dragon's Blood to Donkey Dung; How Chemistry was Forged by Cathy Cobb, Minty L. Fetterolf, and Harold Goldwhite. This sounded interesting, but ended not being very well organized. After each chapter were instructions for a science experiment. The instructions (that I read) were poorly organized; they should have consulted a cookbook.
Sex Criminals: One Weird Trick vol. 1 by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky. Like my recent-favorite sci-fi books, which are stories about people who happen to be in a sci-fi setting, this actually is a story about two people who felt alone in the universe who find each other.
The Man Who Loved Books Too Much: The True Story of a Thief, a Detective, and a World of Literary Obsession by Allison Hoover Bartlett. (002.075) This was ok. It was personally interesting, because I know people who seem to be like the Man traced here. The story jumped around in time a bit, but in order to group similar things together, so it wasn't too distracting and did add to the story.
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