Saturday, October 03, 2015

Audios and etc.

Right Ho, Jeeves by P. G. Wodehouse; BBC Radio 4 full-cast dramatization.  This carried me very nearly all the way down to Portland; it was the perfect length.  Additionally, I quite enjoyed it.  I hadn't really noticed that it was a dramatization (with full cast) when I picked it up-- I just know Wodehouse short stories are good in the car, I needed CDs because the library vehicle doesn't have an aux-in port, and the total length was very close to right-on.  So I didn't really expect the sound effects, multiple voice actors, etc., but I enjoyed them quite a bit. 

Dying for You by MaryJanice Davidson; read by Angela Gulner, Devon Sorvari, and Aimee Castle.  I downloaded this (from OverDrive) yonks ago for another solo car-trip around the Sound.  OverDrive calls this a collection of novellas (although they certainly seemed short-story-ish to me; I guess I'm not totally clear on the difference-- I thought it was a question of length, and these certainly aren't long).

Because both OverDrive and Amazon don't include this little piece of information, I'll mention the story titles individually:
The Fixer-Upper and Paradise Bossed: these two are linked-- side characters in the first are main characters in the second and vice versa.  These are fairly accessible to Davidson readers-- the characters in the first story have similar traits and personalities to characters in some of her books, and she recycles characters into the second story, so it's easy to get up to speed with who's who.  These 2 have a female reader, which I don't normally enjoy, but she was ok.  What was interesting to me is that while I was listening to the reader, I was conscious of how I would have read the stories differently were I reading in print-- not major differences, but for some reason just conscious of where I would have put certain sentences' inflections, etc. 
Witch Way: I did not like this (female) reader at all.  It probably didn't help her that the story had ridiculously few dimensions.  The main female character acts far younger than her stated age, and neither character is exactly bright.  But how else are you going to get 2 characters into a relationship in such a short story?
Drifwood:  I quit about 5 minutes into this one, because I got home sometime in the middle of Witch Way and the quality of this collection is not enough to make me find time to try to listen when outside my vehicle.
A Fatal Waltz by Tasha Alexander.  The main character lost alot of her backbone in this installment, I thought, and as a result I'm far less interested in her.  Since I've now got gobs of ARCs battling for my attention, I don't think I'll feel compelled to pick this series back up anytime soon.

I saw at a publisher's table today that Jim Butcher has book one of a new series out.  It looked like a maybe-steampunk not-our-world fantasy (?).  Anyone laid hands on that?  I'm reluctant to give it a try without a really good recommendation.

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